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PSEE Study Materials
Our current, comprehensive, reputable PSEE study materials—available in English only—help you build skills and prepare quickly for officer-level federal government job competitions which are part of the annual Post-Secondary Recruitment campaign.
Note: The title “Post-Secondary Recruitment” used in this Public Service Commission competition does not mean that it is restricted to recent graduates. Any exceptions are
specified in individual job postings.
Over the past 25+ years our study materials have enabled thousands of clients to obtain high test scores, learn about tricky evaluation methods, develop application materials that satisfy complex screening requirements, and succeed in getting to the interview stage of federal government competitions.
We take the tests every year and debrief with clients regularly to update our materials as changes occur. People who work with us on test development have also done so for the federal government. Our Director was in the Foreign Service with the government and was an international management consultant in behavioural-based training. These assets make our company the only proven source to help individuals entering federal government competitions.
Useful Background on PSEE Test Numbering
The Post-Secondary Recruitment competition introduced the online Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) in 2011. The initial online Unsupervised Internet Test 370 now entails the 372 Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) and is typically accompanied by the 374 Sub-test 2 (Judgement).
As of August 2014, the Public Service Commission introduced the 371 PSEE Supervised in person tests which take place after the online tests have been passed. These Supervised tests are now designated as the 373 Test of Reasoning and 375 Test of Judgement. They replicate the same formulas and skills as the on-line Reasoning and Judgement exercises.
Why did the government create this confusing, repetitive PSEE process? Implementing unsupervised online testing as phase one of the Post-Secondary Recruitment process saved money. Many candidates were able to be "culled" without having to use in-class venues where the government had to reserve space to accommodate multiple thousands of test-takers and pay people to invigilate the testing, which was often highly disorganized.
Now, the second set of PSEE tests, which are still supervised and in-class, involve smaller audiences, are later in the fall and therefore somewhat easier to coordinate, and cheaper to run. They also ascertain that any candidates who may have cheated on unsupervised tests must face the same type of tests again in person.
The differences between the two sets of tests are limited. All the Reasoning and Judgement questions are of the same type in either case (see the government's and our sample questions for validation). Only the number of questions and time accorded to do them differ.
Post-Secondary Recruitment and PSEE Requirements
The annual Post-Secondary Recruitment application period runs from mid-to-late September to mid-October. PSEE online tests for Reasoning and Judgement are written in late October. Supervised, in-class PSEE tests are carried out later, with dates and locations across Canada and abroad running from November onward. You must “pass” the online tests (though your exact score will not be provided) before registering “by invitation” to sit the two supervised PSEE tests.
See our links shown at the left for full explanations on:
How Tests and Interviews Work (our success rate is noted there)
How to Register, Hiring Process and Common Questions (answers to most issues
candidates want to know about are provided there)
Our PSEE Prep Materials
Our PSEE study materials will prepare you for both the online and supervised in-person PSEE tests. As the government confirms on their website, the online and supervised tests use the same type of questions. Only the number of questions and time allocation differ in these exercises.
Our PSEE practice tests provide you with the following:
Reasoning study materials include three 25-question sample tests based on our assessment of the questions used in the last three years of the Post-Secondary Recruitment campaign. All provide answers showing the formulas/logic underlying the solutions. We also include our three earlier Reasoning practice tests (with answers), which give you another 75 questions to practise on. Many of the earlier questions use the same formulas as the current test and provide additional practice, but some are easier than what we saw on the more recent exams.
Judgement study materials include two 52-question sample tests with answers at the back, plus a 15-page introduction on need-to-know principles on which these behavioural questions are based. There are two clearly explained examples at the front, but not every question has the rationale for the answer provided because it would be prescriptive rather than teaching how to do the "situational" test in a responsive, informed way.
Click here to see our PSEE Sample Questions.
How to Order
Note: Our PSEE materials are available only in electronic PDF format and only in English.
Please see the instructions below and on our secure web page to order online using VISA or MasterCard. Click here to order.
Electronic PSEE Materials: Sub-test 1 (Reasoning)
PDF emailed to Canadian address $90 Cdn + applicable taxes
PDF emailed to International address $90 Cdn (no taxes)
Electronic PSEE Materials: Sub-test 2 (Judgement)
PDF emailed to Canadian address $75 Cdn + applicable taxes
PDF emailed to International address $75 Cdn (no taxes)
Electronic PSEE Materials: Sub-tests 1 and 2 (Combination)
PDF emailed to Canadian address $155 Cdn + applicable taxes
PDF emailed to International address $155 Cdn (no taxes)
Website Security and Order Delivery
Payments may be made by Visa or MasterCard and are cleared by Moneris Solutions, a secure online service. Orders are processed once we obtain credit card approval.
Orders are sent out quickly in sequence to clients providing complete, correct payment information online. If great urgency is required, clients can call our office at 613-567-9229 to order over the telephone.
Our Clientele, Reputation and Supporters
Clients include first-time exam takers who want to prepare effectively, and individuals who participated unsuccessfully in past competitions and need to perform better. Clients come from various disciplines and levels, and many already hold a job in government, the legal or other professions, the academic world, an NGO or the private sector.
Referrals of candidates come to us from retired and serving government executives up to Deputy Minister level, lawyers, international business executives, and university faculty and administrators familiar over the years with our quality services.
We are the only career coaching firm that specializes in helping candidates understand and advance in government, multilateral organization and international NGO hiring and promotion competitions—from entry level to executive level.
No service offered by government, universities or the private sector—past or present, in North America or abroad—matches our expertise or coaching record over the past 25 years. The success rate of our clients in institutional hiring and promotion processes attests to the high quality preparation we provide.