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Debriefing re: Test, In-Basket, Simulation, Interview Results

Candidates inside government know—and those outside soon discover—that obtaining concrete information on evaluation methods used in written and oral government exercises or useful feedback on results is problematic. Front-line Public Service Commission and departmental human resources contacts for recruitment and promotion processes are often uninformed about the nature of exercises which they administer, and unable to provide explanations about score tabulation or assessment boards.

Our Debriefing on Test, In-Basket, Simulation or Interview Results is based on 25 years of experience with government competitions—longer and wider in scope than the experience of most government staff and consultants who develop, invigilate and mark them.

Debriefing Overview

To enable you to understand and pursue information that can help your candidacy, our 1.25 hour debriefing service, including pre-work by us to review your application, provides:

  • An explanation of what is really evaluated and how that is actually done in competitions
  • An incisive discussion of your particular exercise and the results you obtained
  • Suggestions on what you should ask if a debriefing can be arranged with government personnel overseeing your competition
  • Avenues you can pursue to get your score reviewed or to acquire your assessment board report
  • Advice about logistical or possible accommodation advantages to explore before you participate in future competitions

Who Can Benefit from our Debriefing Advice?

The debriefing will help individuals in government and external candidates alike, at all levels, who want to understand the underlying intent and scoring methodology common to public-service competitions—and find out how to take action on their results.

Why Use Our Services?

We are the only career coaching firm that specializes in helping candidates understand and advance in government, multilateral organization and international NGO hiring and promotion competitions—from entry level to executive level.

No service offered by government, universities or the private sector—past or present, in North America or abroad—matches the expertise we have developed or the placement record we have achieved over the past 25 years. The success rate of our clients in institutional hiring and promotion processes attests to the quality of our training. Please take the time to read testimonials sent to us by clients and supporters under Client & Supporter Comments [click here].

For additional information on what we do and why we know how to help you, see our List of Standard Programs and Services [click here], About Us [click here] and Profile of Our Director [click here].


One-on-one coaching by telephone:

  • Calls from within Canada $195 Cdn (materials included) +
    applicable taxes
  • Calls from U.S. and Abroad $195 Cdn (materials included/no taxes)

Long distance consultations are carried out only on calls placed by clients. Times can be arranged to take advantage of discount rates and adjusted to time zone differences.

Further Information

Please Contact Us [click here] to set up an appointment.