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How Tests & Interviews Work

Our training helps individuals seeking a career with the federal government. Described below are how the Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) campaign works, our services to assist you, and our client success rate.

The Post-Secondary Recruitment Campaign

The Tests

Every year, thousands of applicants across Canada enter the PSR competition in hopes of being hired in an officer-level job in the federal government. The number of career classifications and jobs available varies with each competition.

Examples of the many types of government classifications in which we have helped people are:

  • Executives (EX)
  • Administrative Officers (AS)
  • Auditors (AU)
  • Biological Sciences Officers (BI)
  • Border Service Officers (FB)
  • Commerce Officers (CO)
  • Computer Services (CS)
  • Engineers (ENG)
  • Financial Officers (FI)
  • Foreign Service Officers (FS)
  • Information Officers (IS)
  • Legal Officers (LA)
  • Management Group (MG)
  • Personnel Administration (PE)
  • Policy Officers (EC)
  • Program Managers (PM)
  • Physical Sciences Officers (PC)
  • Purchasing Officers (PG)

The initial online tests for these positions will be carried out in late October:

  • Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) Sub-test 1 (Reasoning) – a multiple-choice problem-solving and reasoning-ability test with four types of questions
  • Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) Sub-test 2 (Judgement) – a multiple-choice situational test with options in graduated scales of effectiveness or ineffectiveness

Candidates must pass the online PSEE tests before advancing in the Post-Secondary Recruitment competition.

Subsequent supervised PSEE tests written "in-person" a few weeks later are:

  • PSEE Reasoning test, the same as the online Sub-test 1, but with more questions
  • PSEE Judgement test, the same as the online Sub-test 2, but with fewer questions.

The Interview

Only top candidates from the supervised, in-class tests, based on test scores—and, in certain cases, on computer screening of special experience of skills identified on the application templates—are invited for an interview. A short telephone interview to screen out weaker candidates may precede a longer personal interview. Interviews probe your ability to think on your feet, and evaluate skills and personal suitability for specific careers.

A typical personal interview involves:

  • Hypothetical situations which are generic, and explore how you would handle on-the-job challenges that could be faced
  • Questions about your past experiences related to selected behavioural competencies
  • Possible role-playing in a situation acted out with a member of the interview board
  • Your reasons for wanting to join the public service and your suitability for the type(s) of work involved

Interview boards evaluate overall potential based on various intellectual, verbal and interpersonal skills demonstrated—called “competencies” by the government—and on the judgment and values shown in responding to the questions or role-play and simulation scenarios, when used.

Our Services

The key to your success throughout the competition is knowing what to expect on the tests, and how to approach behavioural-based interviews effectively later on.

Our PSEE study materials for the online and supervised in-person tests [click here] provide current comprehensive information to help you focus your preparation, save time, and perform efficiently and effectively.

For candidates granted an interview, one-on-one Interview Coaching [click here] is accessible for clients across Canada and for those living abroad.

Our Clientele and Success Rate

Our clients range from undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students in all disciplines to individuals already in the work force, including many professionals and government employees interested in switching careers. The success rate of our clients in obtaining jobs through past government recruitment campaigns is more than triple that of the general test-taking group.

Why Trust Our Services?

We are the only career coaching firm that specializes in helping candidates understand and advance in government, multilateral organization and international NGO hiring and promotion competitions—from entry level to executive level.

No service offered by government, universities or the private sector—past or present, in North America or abroad—matches our expertise or coaching record over the past 25 years. The success rate of our clients in institutional hiring and promotion processes attests to the high quality preparation we provide. Please take the time to read the testimonials sent to us by clients and supporters displayed under Client & Supporter Comments [click here].

For additional information on what we do and why we know how to help you, see our List of Standard Programs and Services [click here], About Us [click here], and the Profile of our Director [click here].

Get an Edge on the Competition

Save time and significantly improve your chances to be selected for a government position. Contact Us today [click here]. The advice and help we provide to you will be invaluable.